Timer on…
Well, today was a fun series. I took a break from listening to the same playlist and did the series while watching Downton Abbey. I suppose that’s not very honorable, but…I just needed a change today, and I found that the poses were nice and I was still reflecting on my Dad, so…no love lost…rituals sometimes need a little break, I suppose, and as today marks a whole month of doing yoga, I suppose I deserve a little celebration, and what better than some binge watching of Downton Abbey.
So…Balasana, Vajrasana, Child’s Pose…Why are there so many names? What is up with that? And then sometimes I’ve heard it called Swan pose…so…I have no idea… And, furthermore, Vajrasana is Diamond Pose and the Supta Vajrasana is technically what the Noa Belling YOGA HANDBOOK calls Child’s Pose, but its literal translation is “reclined diamond”. I don’t know it’s a mystery that I’m hoping to solve today… Now, the Yoga Journal is the place where I’ve seen Child’s Pose called Balasana, and, thus, when you look that word up it literally translates as “bala” meaning “child” and “asana”, which always translates as “posture”. So…I guess Balasana is the correct term for “Child’s Pose” and then depending on who you are talking to you might have the “reclined diamond”. Now…what’s up with Swan? Apparently, that was just an idiot who didn’t know the name in a class I took because Swan Pose looks like Pigeon pose…and that’s not in our series…so…I’m not going on that rabbit hole today…
So…Supta Vajrasana or Balasana…as far as I can tell from looking at it on google…it’s just a matter or style of yoga or the practice it comes from…
Well, that was one of the poses in Svadhisthasana…another is Baddha Konasana “The Butterfly,” which I mentioned a while back that I liked as an image for this transition series out of mourning, so…I added it as the last pose while I perform the Shatkarma part of Tratak (or staring at a candle). It, apparently, is also called Badrasana or Cobbler’s Pose because it was used by many Indian cobblers…
Well, that’s all for today…