Day 23
Timer on…
So…I had to do the 36 Kapalabhati breath version today because I had to film two of my lectures for my on-line class and then go eat afterwards…I got home later than normal, and needed to talk to Nick, as well…so…I did the shortened 30 minute version.
Nothing was very hard today, largely because I was doing the shorter version…the 69 Kapalabhati breath 1.5 hour version is a lot more taxing, for a variety of reasons, but…both are cathartic and helpful to get me closer to my goal of creating a transition and to lose my 20 lbs. of flesh…
TMI moment: I have very painful periods…and please don’t comment on things I can do to help that…I’ve probably tried them all…I just have painful periods, and that’s the end of it…I used to have worse ones before someone figured out around age 16 that birth control would be the only thing that could help, and the around 25 they had to do blood tests because the birth control I was on wasn’t working anymore, and then around 30 they had to do all those blood tests again, and they put me on, yet, another birth control. I’ve been using that same one, and the pain isn’t as bad as it used to be, but…it hurts…still…I’ve just decided that pain is a part of being a woman… Anyway, I mention this because I was (almost) thankful that I had to do the shortened version of the series today because the pain is the type that isn’t assuaged by yoga…sometimes it is, but…not today…it’s just awkward and uncomfortable…
I digress…
So…we ended on Part 4 Inverted Manipura Chakra poses. I had defined the Supported Back Bend and now I’m going to define its sister, Urdhva Dhanurasana (Bridge/Wheel Pose) because the benefits of these two poses are the same…
“ ‘Urdhva’ means “upward facing” and “Dhanurasana” is the Bow – so Urdhva Dhanurasana is an inverted version of Dhanurasana (the Upward-facing Bow). This posture is also referred to as Chakrasana, the Wheel.”
· Strengthens the thigh and the buttock muscles.
· Stretches and strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the organs.
· Stretches the front of the hips, increasing flexibility.
· The Little Bridge particularly nourishes the thyroid gland with a fresh and increased blood supply.
· Helps regulate the metabolism and keep obesity in check.
· Keeps the spine elastic.
· Nourishes the brain with a fresh blood supply.”
Well, this has always been an “easy” pose for me…I always excelled in back bends in gymnastics/tumbling in elementary school, and I kept up the practice through adulthood. I can even walk in the position…I’m not trying to brag, but I am trying to say that I find this pose fun, and I know many people do not…I’m not surprised by any of the benefits…you can feel these benefits while you’re doing the pose. I do wonder what the benefit of having fresher blood in the brain does…it sounds a bit vampire-ish, but…maybe it's a good thing…
The last pose that I haven’t talked about is a pose I’m still struggling with, in regards to whether or not I’m doing it correctly…The Dolphin/Makurasana…this is a prep pose for Vrscikasana/The Scorpian and serves the same purpose as Downward-Facing Dog, so I will tomorrow talk about the benefits of both.
That’s all for today…
Timer on…
So…I had to do the 36 Kapalabhati breath version today because I had to film two of my lectures for my on-line class and then go eat afterwards…I got home later than normal, and needed to talk to Nick, as well…so…I did the shortened 30 minute version.
Nothing was very hard today, largely because I was doing the shorter version…the 69 Kapalabhati breath 1.5 hour version is a lot more taxing, for a variety of reasons, but…both are cathartic and helpful to get me closer to my goal of creating a transition and to lose my 20 lbs. of flesh…
TMI moment: I have very painful periods…and please don’t comment on things I can do to help that…I’ve probably tried them all…I just have painful periods, and that’s the end of it…I used to have worse ones before someone figured out around age 16 that birth control would be the only thing that could help, and the around 25 they had to do blood tests because the birth control I was on wasn’t working anymore, and then around 30 they had to do all those blood tests again, and they put me on, yet, another birth control. I’ve been using that same one, and the pain isn’t as bad as it used to be, but…it hurts…still…I’ve just decided that pain is a part of being a woman… Anyway, I mention this because I was (almost) thankful that I had to do the shortened version of the series today because the pain is the type that isn’t assuaged by yoga…sometimes it is, but…not today…it’s just awkward and uncomfortable…
I digress…
So…we ended on Part 4 Inverted Manipura Chakra poses. I had defined the Supported Back Bend and now I’m going to define its sister, Urdhva Dhanurasana (Bridge/Wheel Pose) because the benefits of these two poses are the same…
“ ‘Urdhva’ means “upward facing” and “Dhanurasana” is the Bow – so Urdhva Dhanurasana is an inverted version of Dhanurasana (the Upward-facing Bow). This posture is also referred to as Chakrasana, the Wheel.”
· Strengthens the thigh and the buttock muscles.
· Stretches and strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the organs.
· Stretches the front of the hips, increasing flexibility.
· The Little Bridge particularly nourishes the thyroid gland with a fresh and increased blood supply.
· Helps regulate the metabolism and keep obesity in check.
· Keeps the spine elastic.
· Nourishes the brain with a fresh blood supply.”
Well, this has always been an “easy” pose for me…I always excelled in back bends in gymnastics/tumbling in elementary school, and I kept up the practice through adulthood. I can even walk in the position…I’m not trying to brag, but I am trying to say that I find this pose fun, and I know many people do not…I’m not surprised by any of the benefits…you can feel these benefits while you’re doing the pose. I do wonder what the benefit of having fresher blood in the brain does…it sounds a bit vampire-ish, but…maybe it's a good thing…
The last pose that I haven’t talked about is a pose I’m still struggling with, in regards to whether or not I’m doing it correctly…The Dolphin/Makurasana…this is a prep pose for Vrscikasana/The Scorpian and serves the same purpose as Downward-Facing Dog, so I will tomorrow talk about the benefits of both.
That’s all for today…