I am a really bad girl, but, in my defense…it has been a really busy week. I had a 3 days of prison this last week, which is essentially three weeks of school, in one week, with all the grading that goes with that. AND…they are (almost) done, so…there’s more grading than normal. We’re also in-the-middle-of-things with COURAGE, and the work is getting more layered and complicated, so…I’ve been busy. Oh, and my on-line class finished this week. Simply, put…I’ve been busy. But…I have not forgot about my mission: to be mind-body-soul ready for the wedding.
Here goes:
Wednesday, we did something new in training, which was a nine-sided exercise. I’m not sure I understand the whole thing, but it was very active and full of “near misses” and attempting to find ways to finish and start at the same time with the ensemble. We (also) sang a song that I couldn’t sing because it really made me go to a place that is deep and traumatic. I kept trying not to cry, but…that just made it worse. I listened and stayed active in the song, but…there wasn’t much I could do. We were all really sweaty, at the end. We then had rehearsal where we (mostly) worked on my scenes as Yvette. I then left to get ready for the prison.
Thursday, we started training late because Tannis had some mom duities in the morning. The training was truncated, but busy and strong; I continued to explore the plastiques of the eyes and moving them around. We had rehearsal after that and we worked on (mostly) on the end of the play. After that the rest of the group worked on their PTSD action for the end of the show. I went home to deal with the dogs, and then did my hair for our run-thru. The run-thru went very well, and it looks like the show is starting to come together.
Friday, we had training and I had cried before it, and so, my eyes were really relaxed, and, therefore, apparently, I was more present in the work and Brad wondered how that happened. I was honest, and I said that it isn’t possible to do that in one’s process, so…I would have to find that relaxation another way. I then went home to grade some more. Lots of grading. I then had training.
Saturday, I didn’t really do anything except walk the dogs, a lot. Gus’ belly has not been too good the past couple of days and he’s taking forever to go to the bathroom, so…my exercise on Saturday, was (largely) walking. We also had three hours of chorus rehearsal, of which, it wasn’t just singing, so…I think I got my exercise in on Saturday.
Sunday, I did yoga before walking on stilts for 2 hours. I then had to walk the dogs for an hour because Gus is still not doing so well. Stilt work was nice, but my feet really hurt after, which, was odd to me because I’m not on my “feet”, but…I’ll look into that…my stilt muscles seem to be really strong, lately, because I don’t feel any pain, there, just in my feet.
I guess that is it, for now, and, hopefully, I will be better, this week with reflection…