Day 52
Timer on…
Round 1 of the “double-down” for today…I am starting this “double-down” late because I already had a lot going on today…attempting to get caught up from a busy week of rehearsals for 4 shows, teaching/grading 4 classes, and working on all the tech for the 2 productions I’m directing at SUNY Sullivan. I also, stupidly, or intelligently (I’m really not sure on this decision) decided to schedule private voice lessons with every cast member in the next two weeks for an hour at a time, and my voice is shot…over shot…dysphonic, in fact… And, then, today, I drove in crazy weather to, ironically, be interviewed for a documentary film about the NACL Theatre show, THE WEATHER PROJECT. Crazy. But…good…I would rather be doing this than repeat my past three years of work…
Well, the first round today went very well…I almost felt like I needed it. I had a very stressful rehearsal yesterday followed by an Improv Night in the Student Union that the club I advise organized, but…I facilitate… I got home and felt bereft of energy. I woke up this morning still bereft of energy…I couldn’t find the ability to do anything except get ready to drive to Eldred/Highland Lake, NY, for the documentary film interview. But…being in Sullivan County and being in this production, THE WEATHER PROJECT always reminds me to plan my fossil fuel use, so…I also got all my laundry together and my grocery list, and I bookended all of those things with the drive to Eldred/Highland Lake. As soon as I got home, I unpacked everything, ignored the snow that is accumulating everywhere (I’ll have to shovel tomorrow before the ice rain arrives and makes it impossible…), and jumped into the 69-Day Mourning Ritual. My body needed it…I feel more energized than I’ve felt all day.
I thought I would end this first round today, that makes up for yesterday, with a note on my yoga series partners: Gus and Lap Dog. They have no idea that they are my yoga partners, but…they are… They seem to know at 52 Days what I’m about to do and they surround me as I perform the series. Gus lays down next to me to put his paw on my arm as I do Utthita Parivritti (Spinal Twist)…it is interestingly the only Anahata Chakra pose (Heart Chakra), which, of course, is the location of what killed my father…his heart…which has always seemed horribly ironic…. Lap Dog always lays on the love seat above the mat and watches me. I pet them in between poses. They instantly provide love and relaxation to me as I work.
Gus really loved my Dad. My Mom came to visit Nick two years ago for Christmas, and Gus waited at the door for my Dad to enter. He always associates my Mom with my Dad, and I don’t think he understands that my Dad isn’t coming inside ever again…
I don’t know what I would do without my yoga partners. They are an inspiration. Lap Dog likes to show off her Downward and Upward Facing Dog to me, regularly, and Gus is just a love. Sometimes I have to kick him off the mat because he doesn’t really understand that he can’t stay on the mat with me while I practice, but…they are always there when I break…they know to comfort me…
That’s all for now…
Timer on…
Round 1 of the “double-down” for today…I am starting this “double-down” late because I already had a lot going on today…attempting to get caught up from a busy week of rehearsals for 4 shows, teaching/grading 4 classes, and working on all the tech for the 2 productions I’m directing at SUNY Sullivan. I also, stupidly, or intelligently (I’m really not sure on this decision) decided to schedule private voice lessons with every cast member in the next two weeks for an hour at a time, and my voice is shot…over shot…dysphonic, in fact… And, then, today, I drove in crazy weather to, ironically, be interviewed for a documentary film about the NACL Theatre show, THE WEATHER PROJECT. Crazy. But…good…I would rather be doing this than repeat my past three years of work…
Well, the first round today went very well…I almost felt like I needed it. I had a very stressful rehearsal yesterday followed by an Improv Night in the Student Union that the club I advise organized, but…I facilitate… I got home and felt bereft of energy. I woke up this morning still bereft of energy…I couldn’t find the ability to do anything except get ready to drive to Eldred/Highland Lake, NY, for the documentary film interview. But…being in Sullivan County and being in this production, THE WEATHER PROJECT always reminds me to plan my fossil fuel use, so…I also got all my laundry together and my grocery list, and I bookended all of those things with the drive to Eldred/Highland Lake. As soon as I got home, I unpacked everything, ignored the snow that is accumulating everywhere (I’ll have to shovel tomorrow before the ice rain arrives and makes it impossible…), and jumped into the 69-Day Mourning Ritual. My body needed it…I feel more energized than I’ve felt all day.
I thought I would end this first round today, that makes up for yesterday, with a note on my yoga series partners: Gus and Lap Dog. They have no idea that they are my yoga partners, but…they are… They seem to know at 52 Days what I’m about to do and they surround me as I perform the series. Gus lays down next to me to put his paw on my arm as I do Utthita Parivritti (Spinal Twist)…it is interestingly the only Anahata Chakra pose (Heart Chakra), which, of course, is the location of what killed my father…his heart…which has always seemed horribly ironic…. Lap Dog always lays on the love seat above the mat and watches me. I pet them in between poses. They instantly provide love and relaxation to me as I work.
Gus really loved my Dad. My Mom came to visit Nick two years ago for Christmas, and Gus waited at the door for my Dad to enter. He always associates my Mom with my Dad, and I don’t think he understands that my Dad isn’t coming inside ever again…
I don’t know what I would do without my yoga partners. They are an inspiration. Lap Dog likes to show off her Downward and Upward Facing Dog to me, regularly, and Gus is just a love. Sometimes I have to kick him off the mat because he doesn’t really understand that he can’t stay on the mat with me while I practice, but…they are always there when I break…they know to comfort me…
That’s all for now…