Day 37
Timer on…
So…today I still have back pain, so…I had to do the 36 Kapalabhati version again, and I almost didn't do Vrksasana (Tree Pose) because it hurt too much. I just adjusted it until it didn’t hurt anymore, but…goodness…I hope this pain goes away soon…it’s (literally) cramping my style.
So…we were defining the last Chakras. I finished with Visuddha (almost). I think it’s time that we defined thyroid, parathyroid, larynx and pharynx because these are the things I was studying in my Catherine Fitzmaurice Voice work and also is the place that I had the most trouble with that work…and (probably) where I’ve always had trouble in voice work because some of the trauma I experienced as a child was the grabbing of my neck. So, because of this, I have a “trigger” at my neck. I can “trigger” anger, sadness, and frustration very easily by simply tensing my neck. I also don’t particularly enjoy massages there. This Chakra is my “ground zero” my least comfortable position, and, of course, this is the Chakra that we work in Voice Work, so…(I guess) Voice Work in Acting is also my “ground zero”.
Well, I guess we might not be defining things today because my phone won’t load things up very quickly, and my dictionary is at work…ugh!
Okay, in lieu of that I’ll define the final Chakra of this last exploration: the most poses per chakra…Anahata…
“Chakra 4 Anahata (heart chakra). Color: green. Element: air. Endocrine system: thymus gland. Vital organs: heart and lungs. General functions: cardiovascular circulation and respiration. Related to compassion and passion.”
So…as most of you know, my father died of a heart attack. There’s a fancier/medical name for it, but I don’t feel like finding that “medical” term…it’s too sad for me, right now. Plus, where that definition is located is his Death Certificate, and I hate that paper. It finalizes his death. Anyway, this charkra is the place that killed my Dad, but it is also (symbolically) the place that I loved the most about him; his “compassion and passion”. Everyone loved this about him. My friend Mi-Sun was here last weekend and that was the thing she focused on: his compassion and passion. So…it’s interesting that the very place that killed my father was also his most memorable place.
Each of these last three Chakras had only one pose.
Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) has Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand).
Visudhha (Throat Chakra) has Supta Vajrasana (The Child’s Pose).
Anahata (Heart Chakra) has an adaptation of Jathara Parivartanasana called Jathara Parivritti (The Spinal Twits with Straight Legs).
More on all of this…tomorrow…
Timer on…
So…today I still have back pain, so…I had to do the 36 Kapalabhati version again, and I almost didn't do Vrksasana (Tree Pose) because it hurt too much. I just adjusted it until it didn’t hurt anymore, but…goodness…I hope this pain goes away soon…it’s (literally) cramping my style.
So…we were defining the last Chakras. I finished with Visuddha (almost). I think it’s time that we defined thyroid, parathyroid, larynx and pharynx because these are the things I was studying in my Catherine Fitzmaurice Voice work and also is the place that I had the most trouble with that work…and (probably) where I’ve always had trouble in voice work because some of the trauma I experienced as a child was the grabbing of my neck. So, because of this, I have a “trigger” at my neck. I can “trigger” anger, sadness, and frustration very easily by simply tensing my neck. I also don’t particularly enjoy massages there. This Chakra is my “ground zero” my least comfortable position, and, of course, this is the Chakra that we work in Voice Work, so…(I guess) Voice Work in Acting is also my “ground zero”.
Well, I guess we might not be defining things today because my phone won’t load things up very quickly, and my dictionary is at work…ugh!
Okay, in lieu of that I’ll define the final Chakra of this last exploration: the most poses per chakra…Anahata…
“Chakra 4 Anahata (heart chakra). Color: green. Element: air. Endocrine system: thymus gland. Vital organs: heart and lungs. General functions: cardiovascular circulation and respiration. Related to compassion and passion.”
So…as most of you know, my father died of a heart attack. There’s a fancier/medical name for it, but I don’t feel like finding that “medical” term…it’s too sad for me, right now. Plus, where that definition is located is his Death Certificate, and I hate that paper. It finalizes his death. Anyway, this charkra is the place that killed my Dad, but it is also (symbolically) the place that I loved the most about him; his “compassion and passion”. Everyone loved this about him. My friend Mi-Sun was here last weekend and that was the thing she focused on: his compassion and passion. So…it’s interesting that the very place that killed my father was also his most memorable place.
Each of these last three Chakras had only one pose.
Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) has Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand).
Visudhha (Throat Chakra) has Supta Vajrasana (The Child’s Pose).
Anahata (Heart Chakra) has an adaptation of Jathara Parivartanasana called Jathara Parivritti (The Spinal Twits with Straight Legs).
More on all of this…tomorrow…