Day 4 and 5
Timer on…
So…I took my friend Kay’s advice and had (mostly) a day of rest yesterday. I took little five minute moments where I kept my legs up in the air (a suggestion from one of the physical therapist websites I looked at that discussed calf pain). The legs up in the air pose is (also) a major pose in the Catherine Fitzmaurice voice work, so…doing that over and over again yesterday was good for that work and it is (also) the yoga pose Viparita Karani. So…it covers some of my secret goals of doing more yoga and re-examining my Catherine Fitzmaurice Work. I also did about 200 crunches in different situations, some dumbbell work, some push-ups, I sat in a deep squat for five minutes, I did an arm workout one of my students – Montana Sandoval – taught me when I was directing Tarzan (it’s hard to explain, but…it’s a good one), I sat in a wide-leg pose (Upavista Konasana) twice for five minutes at a time, and I sat in seated forward bend pose (Pascimottanasana) for five minutes. So…I wasn’t completely without a workout, yesterday.
This morning I woke up and walked the dogs earlier than usual. Gus, who is a bit old, isn’t a fan of going up and down our stairs at our new place, so…he’s taken to sleeping downstairs instead of near or on the bed. However, that also means at 6:30AM, Gus wants to snuggle, but that means that I have to walk him upstairs. This morning, I decided to just walk him and then I decided to just stay up and do a yoga series.
I did the entire series in the THE YOGA HANDBOOK. I haven’t done that in a while; I, actually, can’t remember the last time I did that. I, usually, just create a sequence that I like from the different poses, but, today, I decided to start with the warm-up in the book and then do each of the poses with 38 Kapalabhati breaths. I have been interchanging in my practice/tapas (discipline) 38 or 69 Kapalabhati breaths for certain poses in my yoga practice. This is, of course, honoring my 69 Days of Mourning and my 38 Days Towards an understanding of “love”, or whatever that word means… I like being able to re-visit that.
Today, the only surprising moment in the series was the fact that Cow Face pose (Gomukhasana) was really painful on the right side (I guess not too terribly surprising considering that is the side where my calf hurts the most) and then Handstand pose (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) was harder than it’s ever been…I was exhausted afterwards… Again, this might not be too surprising considering I don’t think I’ve done a proper handstand in months…I might not have the muscles for it right now…
Well, I guess it’s time to start grading, again, but I feel good…it was a good workout this morning…because a day of rest allowed me to heal and the stairs didn’t feel like I was walking with toothpicks for legs…
Timer out…
Timer on…
So…I took my friend Kay’s advice and had (mostly) a day of rest yesterday. I took little five minute moments where I kept my legs up in the air (a suggestion from one of the physical therapist websites I looked at that discussed calf pain). The legs up in the air pose is (also) a major pose in the Catherine Fitzmaurice voice work, so…doing that over and over again yesterday was good for that work and it is (also) the yoga pose Viparita Karani. So…it covers some of my secret goals of doing more yoga and re-examining my Catherine Fitzmaurice Work. I also did about 200 crunches in different situations, some dumbbell work, some push-ups, I sat in a deep squat for five minutes, I did an arm workout one of my students – Montana Sandoval – taught me when I was directing Tarzan (it’s hard to explain, but…it’s a good one), I sat in a wide-leg pose (Upavista Konasana) twice for five minutes at a time, and I sat in seated forward bend pose (Pascimottanasana) for five minutes. So…I wasn’t completely without a workout, yesterday.
This morning I woke up and walked the dogs earlier than usual. Gus, who is a bit old, isn’t a fan of going up and down our stairs at our new place, so…he’s taken to sleeping downstairs instead of near or on the bed. However, that also means at 6:30AM, Gus wants to snuggle, but that means that I have to walk him upstairs. This morning, I decided to just walk him and then I decided to just stay up and do a yoga series.
I did the entire series in the THE YOGA HANDBOOK. I haven’t done that in a while; I, actually, can’t remember the last time I did that. I, usually, just create a sequence that I like from the different poses, but, today, I decided to start with the warm-up in the book and then do each of the poses with 38 Kapalabhati breaths. I have been interchanging in my practice/tapas (discipline) 38 or 69 Kapalabhati breaths for certain poses in my yoga practice. This is, of course, honoring my 69 Days of Mourning and my 38 Days Towards an understanding of “love”, or whatever that word means… I like being able to re-visit that.
Today, the only surprising moment in the series was the fact that Cow Face pose (Gomukhasana) was really painful on the right side (I guess not too terribly surprising considering that is the side where my calf hurts the most) and then Handstand pose (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) was harder than it’s ever been…I was exhausted afterwards… Again, this might not be too surprising considering I don’t think I’ve done a proper handstand in months…I might not have the muscles for it right now…
Well, I guess it’s time to start grading, again, but I feel good…it was a good workout this morning…because a day of rest allowed me to heal and the stairs didn’t feel like I was walking with toothpicks for legs…
Timer out…