Day 49, July 16
Timer on…
Well, today I woke up, and my right hamstring is still in pain, so…I decided not to risk jogging two days in a row, maybe, I will do every other day, until the pain subsides…
Instead, I googled yoga for weddings and yoga for brides…there were some blogs about it, and I did the poses. It was (mostly) for relaxation, so…I’m assuming these flow series are for the day of. I guess that’s something to consider: creating a yoga series for myself and the ladies for the day of. Maybe I will take us over to my Dad’s favorite spot in Albuquerque, the duck pond at the Rio Grande Nature Center. I think that would be nice. I’ve been thinking of doing something there, anyway.
So…I did the poses and the series in addition to the first line of the Catherine Fitzmaurice poses…I was in Svasana (corpse pose) after one of the series, and then I decided I could just do a little Catherine Fitzmaurice work.
I (also) did the the wedding circuit training after I practiced yoga/Catherine Fitzmaurice work. Lastly, I did this arm workout my friend/student Montana showed me, in addition to sitting in 2nd position ballet pose for 3 minutes.
I will probably do another yoga series later today for the hamstrings; to continue the nursing of the right hamstring.
Another thing that I haven’t been blogging about, but that I’ve been doing for the past two months is making recipes from my family’s cookbooks. This is another thing I decided to do for the mind/body/soul search. It has been interesting because I’ve discovered that many of the recipes have some ingredients of the recipes I have for New Mexican cuisine. I realize that many of my Mom’s side of the family came to the Rocky Mountains and lived in the high desert regions, and the recipes use the same ingredients because the habitat types are similar. Last night I made Corn-Stuffed Pepper Rings. I adjusted the recipe to keep the green peppers in tact, but I’m sure it tasted the same; I just think the presentation is nicer that way.
I’m not sure why I started this process, but…I’ve liked the exploration. It makes me feel closer to what I’m made of. I realize that I am true “western stock” because we were the ones who survived the journey across the plains, and that wasn’t easy. What’s bred in the bone, comes out in the flesh. And…what comes out in the flesh, I think, is hard work, discipline, and survival…this last is what, I think, is the most important lesson…to survive…and the question becomes, how does one survive anything? Life? Work? Exercise? Love? Marriage? I think one survives by continuing to learn, to grow, but…most importantly to stay healthy and as happy as one can be. Food is important to this process…so…that might be the intuitive reason I started that…
Timer out…